Sarawak Natives Crafts

Welcome to my blog. I am sharing information on "Orang Ulu" handmade handcrafts. Drop me email if you need more details.

Friday 25 March 2011

Orang Ulu (Sarawak Natives) handmade handcraft

Welcome to lihancraft blog. You shall find most of  the information  on various kinds of Sarawak Natives "orang ulu" handcrafts and tradition here. To begin,  I would like to introduce to you the marvelous  and beautiful “Orang Ulu”  handcraft for your further information. Keep on exploring the page to get more details information on "orang ulu"handcraft

Orang Ulu - Who and Where they live ?
"Orang Ulu”  is one of  Sarawak Natives who resided mostly in the Sarawak Northern Region. " Orang Ulu”   mean   “ethnic group that settled in the rural (thick primary rainforest jungle at the upper river area”).  This gentle and wonderful ethnic group comprised of other smaller groups,  namely,  Kayan, Kenyah, Penan, Punan, Kelabit, Murud, Berawan, Lun Bawang and Kiput. Their main resettlement  areas are Baram, Belaga, Tubau, Lawas and Bario. Orang Ulu is proudly known  with the  “Long House”  or the so called “ Uma Aru” in Kayan dialect. In old days, most of the orang ulu depend on farming, fishing and hunting.  

About “orang ulu” handcraft?
I offer you the information of the handmade handcrafts by “Orang Ulu” maiden, made  from wood, beads,  bamboo, rattan and the like.
 While offering you the information on Orang Ulu handcrafts,  in other word, I help them to promote and sell their produce ie handcrafts. Orang Ulu ethnic groups are rich with arts and cultures. With that varieties, they are one of the most sought cultural costumes, these are “bah” for the male costume and “ta’ah” for the maidens. Most of the artwork and costume design and art works are decorated and hand woven traditionally at the long house.
Most of Orang Ulu artworks are decorated with traditional ancient drawing and be named “ Ikeng” in Kayan.  It is a symbolic drawing which symbolized the warriors’ greatness, manhood and it is related to natures. 
Apart from these wonders of man-hand-woven handcrafts that were made for self beautification for the Orang Ulu maidens during the old days, the Orang Ulu  ethnic groups love serenity and loving rain forest melodies. This song and melodies are incorporated to their daily life, festive activities, celebrating of the winning of tribal war, war dance and the like. These serene, peace loving music of the forest are being composed with the help of a special musical instrument called “ sape”. Please refer to the Sape’ for special music effect.
Sape’  ( 4 strings musical instrument ) 
                          Laing Wan: The best sape' craftman from Long Bemang, Apoh Baram.. His sape' also has been given to chief minister and prime minister as  a gift by VIP. He is one of the best sape' player and have been played in Sarawak Cultural Village for demo.
This is the most popular traditional musical instrument in Sarawak. It is a special handcraft which  made of wood, equipped with 4 strings and drawn with traditional ancient “orang ulu” drawing called “ Ikeng”. The body of the Sape’ is made from several types of wood which could  determine the quality of its sound. The best quality wood is locally called “ Kita” and I can assure you that, I shall provide the best quality Sape’ for your enjoyment. To produce one piece of high quality sape' with "ikeng" will take at least one month or in some cases eg. hardwood, it would took one and a half month.
For the types of musical melodies that can be played using Sape’, are those that relate to peace, harmony, entertainment and be played during  several festivals.  A musical melodies produce with a Sape’ does not complete without a “nyivan” (traditional dance). Please see nyivan below for further information. In addition to that,  a small “sape’ ” is used for a display and decoration which produces a calm environment at the living room.
Nyivan ( Traditional Dance )
Nyivan was unique and was first initiated to celebrate the arrival of warrior from the battlefield, showing their victory. It is divided into several categories, namely men single, women single, group of women and the most joyful is long dance. Every dance has it own sape’ melody and it’s own name.  Samples of melodies and video clips shall be provided soon.
The “nyivan” move by girl will tell you their  gentleness. The “nyivan” move by man telling you their warrior greatness. 
Ikeng / Traditional Drawing
Almost all "Orang Ulu" handcrafts are designed and decorated with “ikeng” which is normally drawn by Kayan and Kenyah tribes. Ikeng was still practiced until today as an important  decoration. It is normal if you find headman of village decorate his room / house with ikeng. It is some kind of art that make “orang ulu”  proud of. 

Long House

During tribal war era, long house was build high and the only access was using potable staircase which erected only when needed. Reason behind is for protection from enemies and wild animal.
After the tribal war era, orang ulu long house slowly evolved. Nowadays, almost all orang ulu  long house change shape to modern type ( I mean more look like terrace house ) BUT tradition was well kept and still practiced.
Living in long house encouraged orang ulu help each other. Orang ulu is a caring community and they lived in harmony.
Photo shows you the longest modern long house, Long Bemang ( In the world I guess ). Consist of approximately 215 doors and still expanding. You can reach there via land which will take 4—5 hours 4 WD driving. Come and visit us on 31 December, you will enjoy the scenery of harmony through traditional dance presentation. A "mass lunch" or "pahlung" will give you an excellent experience.

One of the orang ulu tribe that might catch your attention other than the rest will be Penan and Punan tribe. They are forest dwellers who traditionally hunt with blowpipes. I am please to introduce you to these tribe once you visit us. Their handcrafts are almost the same with Kayan and Kenyah but more concentrated using rattan and bamboo. The most amazing handcraft by these tribe would be blowpipe. I will provide you photo or video  and more detail regarding Penan and Punan soon.

Have you ever wonder how wonderful whenever you are living  in the jungle ? Believe me, you are going to experience serenity and peaceful. Soon, I will share with you our yearly activities calendar and places of interest OR you may send an email.
Map below shows you a rough guide on where are orang ulu  resettlement area.

 Please send me email if you are in doubt.( I will be very happy to provide information on "orang ulu". If you are interested to make a visit, please send an email so that transportation and comfortable stay could be arrange ahead.

Thanks for your time. Please leave your comment.

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